Send email from SharePoint rest Api
CategoriesPower AutomateSharePoint Online

Power Automate – Send email from SharePoint Rest Api

Hello, today I want to share with you a method to send emails with Power Automate by using a REST API available in SharePoint. There is a method called “sendMail” in SP.Utilities.Utility that can be used to send emails to users.

Some attention points:

  1. Recipients must be authenticated SharePoint users.
  2. Attachments cannot be included through this API method (You can include inline attachments likes images uploaded in the same SharePoint domain).
  3. It doesn’t send emails to distribution groups or lists.
  4. “To” field must be an array.

Build flow

In this article, I’m going to create a cloud flow that can be run manually. Of course, you can use any trigger that you need, or you can incorporate a SharePoint HTTP request to send an email wherever necessary.

To send mail you should simply add “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint” connector:

Send email with SharePoint http request

So, you must use there parameters:

  • Site address: SharePoint to use to make call
  • Method: POST
  • URI: /_api/SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail
  • Headers:
  "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
  "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose"
  • Body:
        'properties': {  
            '__metadata': {  
                'type': 'SP.Utilities.EmailProperties'  
            'To': {  
                'results':[ 'email address']
            'Body': '<p>Hello Angelo,<br>  
Mail sent from SharePoint Rest Api....<br>
            'Subject': 'Say hello!'  

In the body section, you should add “TO” as an object with a result property that accepts an array of email addresses. Similarly, if you want to add “CC” or “BCC“, you can also include “Body“, which can contain HTML, and “Subject” as a string.

This is result:

Email sent from SharePoint rest


Some people ask me, “Why should we use this option?” I wrote this article inspired by a recent training course on Power Automate that I delivered for a customer. In this instance, my client needed to send emails, but we didn’t have the option to use a service account to send emails with the standard Outlook 365 connector, and he didn’t want to send them from his email address.

I hope these information can help you.

Contact me for questions! Have a nice day!

7 comments on “Power Automate – Send email from SharePoint Rest Api”


Pretty work over there!! Good job!!

Is there an option to change the sender (e.g based on Microsoft forms requestor)

Hello, thanks for your comment.To my knowledge, it is not possible…from january sender is always set as “SharePoint Online” by default.

Very cool! Could you use a Shared mailbox to send it from with Power Automate? Not quite the same a service acccount.

Thank you for your comment. If you use Power Apps, you can use the Outlook connector and use the “From” field eventually!

Can I use a Distribution list or PDL in the TO? I have been trying to use and it is giving me an error.

I think is not possible. You can try to send to a “service account” and add rule to forward it to DL. Angelo

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