CategoriesMicrosoft 365SharePointSharePoint Online

SharePoint – Team Site without Microsoft 365 Group

Hello, here really simple post to explain how to create a SharePoint site without Microsoft 365 group associated.

Create Site

Follow there instructions:

Clicck on App Launcher and then on “Admin”. Then click on “Expand all” , SharePoint and “Active sites”

Then we can create site:

Click on Create and “Other options”:

Now we can create our site:


Why we should create site with no M365 group? If we don’t need Outlook, planner or Teams associated but just need a SharePoint Team Site. Just to remind…to do that, we should be are SharePoint Administrator.

Contact me for questions! Have a nice day!

CategoriesMicrosoft 365SharePoint Online

SPO – JSON form custom formatting

Hello, Today we spoke (write 🙂 )about SharePoint list form customization. Basically, we have two way to customize existing form:

  • JSON Formatting
  • Edit form with Power Apps

We try to Explain how to customize form formatting with Json.

Format Form

Go to your list, and click on New, click on the top right Edit form icon, e click on “Configure layout”.

Basically We can write some JSON to format these sections:

  • Header
  • Body
  • Footer

Header customization

Choose “Header”. How can we customize it?

We can start from official MS Docs , copy header JSON code and try it:

    "elmType": "div",
    "attributes": {
        "class": "ms-borderColor-neutralTertiary"
    "style": {
        "width": "99%",
        "border-top-width": "0px",
        "border-bottom-width": "1px",
        "border-left-width": "0px",
        "border-right-width": "0px",
        "border-style": "solid",
        "margin-bottom": "16px"
    "children": [
            "elmType": "div",
            "style": {
                "display": "flex",
                "box-sizing": "border-box",
                "align-items": "center"
            "children": [
                    "elmType": "div",
                    "attributes": {
                        "iconName": "Group",
                        "class": "ms-fontSize-42 ms-fontWeight-regular ms-fontColor-themePrimary",
                        "title": "Details"
                    "style": {
                        "flex": "none",
                        "padding": "0px",
                        "padding-left": "0px",
                        "height": "36px"
            "elmType": "div",
            "attributes": {
                "class": "ms-fontColor-neutralSecondary ms-fontWeight-bold ms-fontSize-24"
            "style": {
                "box-sizing": "border-box",
                "width": "100%",
                "text-align": "left",
                "padding": "21px 12px",
                "overflow": "hidden"
            "children": [
                    "elmType": "div",
                    "txtContent": "='Contact details for ' + [$Title]"

So , now we can see result.





How to edit?

Basically, our JSON going to apply style to these section:

    "elmType": "div",
    "attributes": {
        "class": "ms-borderColor-neutralTertiary"
    "style": {
        "width": "99%",
        "border-top-width": "0px",
        "border-bottom-width": "1px",
        "border-left-width": "0px",
        "border-right-width": "0px",
        "border-style": "solid",
        "margin-bottom": "16px"


 "elmType": "div",
    "attributes": {
        "class": "ms-borderColor-neutralTertiary"


    "style": {
        "width": "99%",
        "border-top-width": "0px",
        "border-bottom-width": "1px",
        "border-left-width": "0px",
        "border-right-width": "0px",
        "border-style": "solid",
        "margin-bottom": "16px"

Some people asking me, “How can I find witch section I’m modifing? I’m not expert” , an Idea is : Add background color red to style to indentify section:


Not beautiful to see, but simple to identify 🙂

Body customization

To customize Body, you should simply define Sections and fields, in my case:

    "sections": [
            "displayname": "Basic information",
            "fields": [
            "displayname": "Worfkflow status",
            "fields": [
            "displayname": "Other",
            "fields": [

Footer Customization

Now the last part, footer. Similar to header, we can write JSON for a part to customize

    "elmType": "div",
    "style": {
        "width": "100%",
        "text-align": "left",
        "overflow": "hidden",
        "border-top-width": "1px"
    "children": [
            "elmType": "div",
            "style": {
                "width": "100%",
                "padding-top": "10px",
                "height": "24px"
            "children": [
                    "elmType": "a",
                    "txtContent": "='This is footer section! ' + [$Title]",
                    "attributes": {
                        "target": "_blank",
                        "href": "='' + [$Title]",
                        "class": "ms-fontColor-themePrimary ms-borderColor-themePrimary ms-fontWeight-semibold ms-fontSize-m ms-fontColor-neutralSecondary–hover ms-bgColor-themeLight–hover"

As you can see , you can also use field of the record , in our example title: [$Title].


References & info


Advanced formatting concepts

Where you can find icons name

Column formatting


This is one way. Another option is modify form with Power Apps, let me know if you want an article to understand how.

Contact me for questions! Have a nice day!

CategoriesSharePointSharePoint Online

SharePoint Online – Get alert on documents changes

Hello, This is one of a series of post where I want to help you to improve your experience with SharePoint Online. This article,I’ll explane how you can ask to SPO to inform you whene anyone makes change to your documents.

Document Library

We have SharePoint site, and a document library called “Docs” where we collaborate with our collegues (PS: Do you know Co authoring? See this link)

SharePoint Document Librart
Simple SharePoint Document Library

Basically We don’t want go every day on our document library to check if our collegues has make change on documents…So how can SharePoint help us?


Simple ,As I usually try to explain…:-) One way is configure an Alert on Document Library (Or Lists). Go to your DL, and looking for “Alert Me” on Ribbon:

SharePoint Alert me option
Document Library – Alert Me

Next Page page ask us a series of parameters to configure Alert. In Order:

  • Title: Title of the Alert (also included in subject mail).
  • Send Alert To: People to receives alert.
  • Delivery method: Choose if you want receive mail or SMS.ù
  • Change type: Very important. The changes typology that trigger the alert. For Example Item modified, or Deleted.
  • Send Alerts for These Changes: Useful to restrict alert, for example you can get alert only for document created by you.
  • When to Send Alerts: How frequently you want to be alerted? My suggestion , generally, is Daily recap to limits numers of mails.
SharePoint Alert me page
Configure Alert Options


This is really simple way. Another option is create a Power Automate flow with appropriate trigger. I hope this is usefull for you.

Contact me for questions! Have a nice day!

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